A KS1 SATs style comprehension using a fiction text based on the Great Fire of London.
Great to use as a whole class text, in guided reading sessions or as SATs practice.
A short reading comprehension based around how Mother’s Day is celebrated. Questions are based around small sections of text and designed to help collect evidence for the Teacher Assessment Framework and preparation for SATs.
More than 8 weeks of homework to support the teaching of Phase 5 in Year 1 (KS1).
Includes a Half Term Phonics Homework grid of challenges.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Phase 5 sounds and the Year 1 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files.
Included 3 files.
A range of follow up comprehensions and activities to support Lime Bug Club. These activities have been designed and written to be used independently in Guided Reading sessions or sent home with the books as a home learning task, offering support to parents.
6 weeks of homework to go alongside teaching Year 2 Term 3A Spelling Rules.
Includes a Holiday Challenge Grid homework sheet.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Year 2 spelling rules and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files
Term 1A and 1B each containing:
6 weeks of homework to go alongside teaching Year 2 Term 1 Spelling Rules.
Includes a Holiday Challenge Grid homework sheet.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Year 2 spelling rules and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files
This bundle contains homework for the whole of Year 2 Spelling and Phonics, split into terms.
Each Term contains:
6 weeks of homework to go alongside teaching Year 2 Term 1 Spelling Rules.
Includes a Holiday Challenge Grid homework sheet.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Year 2 spelling rules and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files
Term 3A and 3B each containing:
6 weeks of homework to go alongside teaching Year 2 Term 1 Spelling Rules.
Includes a Holiday Challenge Grid homework sheet.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Year 2 spelling rules and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files
Term 2A and 2B each containing:
6 weeks of homework to go alongside teaching Year 2 Term 1 Spelling Rules.
Includes a Holiday Challenge Grid homework sheet.
Each week is split into 3 different chili challenges and focuses on reading and writing using the Year 2 spelling rules and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
Links to my Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5 and Year 2 Spelling Homework files